You may be wondering why this isn’t at the number one spot here is why. I would definitely tell you guys to try this hair out.Īt number 2 we have another basegame hairstyle which is very popular amoung the community.

I really love the look of this hairstyle and its pretty in all of the hair colours. I use this hairstyle a lot and I mean a lot for party wear and I’m also currently using it for everyday wear for my sim. It also lookes great in all of the hair colours and the overall look of this hairstyle is super cool.Īt number three we have this hairstyle for all you party going sims. I also use it a lot in Everyday wear too. This hairstyle is great for formal wear and party wear. As we know Cool Kitchen isn’t a very good SP but it has a lot of great hairstyles including this one. I see myself using this quite a lot while making sims.Īt number four we have a hairstyle from Cool Kitchen.

It also looks super cool in all of hair colours we have in game so far. It goes with very single clothing opition we have in game. This hairstyle is amazing for everyday wear. We now enter the Top 5 hairstyles I wonder what they could be? Keep reading to find out.Īt number five with have this hairstyle from Perfect Patio. This is a very popular hairstyle for my sims. Its also very good for weddings and for formal wear in genuinely. This hairtyle is great for a casual night out with your sims partner at a resturant. I use this hairstyle very often for my sims athletic wear.Īt number six we have this cute hairstyle which is from Dine Out. This plait is great for your athletic sims or sims who want to look like they work out “Hehe”. I use this hairstyle a lot for the rags to riches challange.Īt number seven we have this plait hairstyle from Spa Day.

This hairstyle brings a bit of mess into your sims live “Laughs A Little” but no really this hairstyle is just amazing. I use this hairstyle a lot in game.Īt number eight we have this messy but cool hair from Get To Work.

This braided hair suits all kinds of sims and also the look of the hair style is just fabulous. This hair looks amazing with all the colours and I used it so much when The Sims 4 first came out.Īt number nine is amazing her from Get Together. We Start of the top ten with this amazing base game hairstyle. Today we are going to be doing Top Ten Female hairstyles for The Sims 4. I’m proud to announce a new series coming to Sims Online.